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Flogger Next supports several configurable features, and to enable these to be configured, an options system is provided.

Flogger Next options are supplied in a form compatible with the underlying logging system used. For the JDK logger backend, options are specified in the logging.properties file (or wherever logging properties reside). For the Log4J2 backend, properties are specified in the log4j2.xml file (or wherever Log4J2 options reside).

JDK Logger Backend

For the JDK backend, options are simply in the form of Java property key/value pairs:

flogger.some.option.name=Arbitrary option value string!

Log4J2 Logger Backend

For the Log4J2 backend, options are specified as Log4J properties:

    <Property name="flogger.some.option.name">Arbitrary option value string!</Property>

In most examples in this documentation, the logging.properties form is used to show example option values due to its simplicity.

Option Namespace and Layout

  1. Flogger Next options are defined via dot-separated option names, starting with flogger..
  2. Options are always string/string pairs, though internally options are expected to have some predefined type when resolved (e.g. boolean, integer, etc.).
  3. A list/array of options can be specified using the following pattern:
    • Provide a .size property (e.g. flogger.some.list.size=3).
    • Provide a sequence of size elements using zero-indexed indexices for the option name at the same level (e.g. flogger.some.list.N=<some value> for N=0..2).
  4. Any option can be aliased by supplying a value which is the name of another option, prefixed with @.
    • Aliases can be applied at any level to define sub-hierarchies of options (e.g. defining flogger.foo=@alias and alias.bar=First, alias.baz=Second is equivalent to flogger.foo.bar=First and flogger.foo.baz=Second).
    • This applies to lists as well as individual values (e.g. flogger.some.list=@my.other.values and my.other.values.size=N etc.).
    • To specify a non-alias value which starts with @, simply prefix a second one (i.e. @@value).
    • Aliased properties do not need to start with flogger. and, to avoid any risk of clashing option names in the future, they probably shouldn’t.